The Ultimate Hair Wash Routine for Hair Obsessives


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Hair care is an important factor in a person body hygiene and hygiene is quite important in our bodies. Maintaining right hair wash regimen is beneficial in attaining healthy shiny and strong hair. In this article I am going to share with you key points and recommendations on how to make your hair wash enjoyable and fruitful.

Understanding Your Hair Type

The first thing that you need to do before setting up your hair wash routine is to understand your hair. There are five main hair types: namely, straight, wavy, curly, thick and thin. Knowing your hair type is an essential step towards being able to know what should be done to your hair and what products are fit to be used.

  • Straight hair: Smooth, shiny, and generally easy to use or manage. Looks very plain and dull if not so arranged.
  • Wavy hair: Normally experiences stringiness and bulkiness. I never found it difficult to make it straight or curl, relative to other hair types.
  • Curly hair: Naturally dry, dry frizzy hair is the best way to describe my hair type. It is defined by ringlets and screwed patterns sometimes.
  • Coarse hair: This hair type is actually thick and resistant but it looks dull and unmanageable most of the time if not well taken care of.
  • Fine hair: Sheer and fine-textured, it is apt to be shiny and dull or flat in sheen.

But in order to achieve the best hair wash routine, the first step is to figure out what your hair type is.

The shampoos: Which to use and how to use them

Purchasing good hair products is crucial in having good, dark, and shiny hair. When choosing the shampoo and conditioning, chose products which are specifically developed for your hair type. Do not use products which contain chemicals, and sulfates should be minimized since they reduce the natural hair’s oils.

When shopping for shampoo and conditioner, consider the following factors:

  • Ingredients: Avoid synthetic elements and stick to natural and organic product. Do not use strong chemicals and sulfate.
  • Hair type: Select products that are made for your hair type – straight, wavy, curly, thick or thin hair.
  • Scalp concerns: If you are going to make choices like focusing on dandruff or an oily scalp, make right choices with the right products.

It is important, however, to clear and gently wash the scalp without stripping the hair of it natural oils and moisture. Apply shampoo only in your scalp and at the root of the hair only when you are washing your hair. What is more, poor rinsing leaving behind product deposits that might form layers over the hair strands making it look lifeless.

How to Wash Hair Right

As much as the type of shampoo you use, washing your hair the right way is also very important. Read the following tips and procedures on how to get through the hair washing process with no causing harm to the hair:

  • Start with wet hair: For best results start with wet hair, because if you shampoo wet hair turns out to be dry then your hair will turn extremely dry.
  • Lather up: Massage the shampoo vigorously creating foam that must be rinsed throughout the scalp, roots, and mid-shaft hair sections.
  • Focus on the roots: Pay most attention to the scalp and the roots since they harbor grime and oil.
  • Rinse thoroughly: You should wash your hair after every washing process to remove the residues of the product and achieve a balanced moisture content on your hair.
  • Avoid harsh scrubbing: This is especially so when washing your hair, avoid rubbing the hair too hard as this will negatively affect them. Do not rub your hair vigorously while washing and towel-drying also, this results in split ends and broken hair.

The Deep Conditioning and Hair Masks

Hair Wash Routine

Intensive hair treatments and hair masks are critical aidances for rebuilding and maintaining the hair health. If possible, you should try penetrating conditioner or hair mask at least one or twice a week to wash your hair.

  • Apply to damp hair: Rub the treatment or mask into the damp hair and ensure they cover the mid shafts and the tips only.
  • Leave on for a few minutes: Wash faces using the treatment or mask for sometime or for the time indicated on the packet/container.
  • Rinse well: Wash the treatment or the mask off well so that you do not end up with greasy hair on the(Node: Treatment ends).

Hair Care: Washing and Between Washes

Proper hair care between washes is very important especially to find some best and shiny hair. Follow these tips for optimal hair health between washes:

  • Dry your hair properly: After washing your hair, you should roll it with a towel, just squeezing out the excess water and do not rub your hair with a towel rigorously. Do not scrub it because this will result to tangling and tearing off of the hair.
  • Use a leave-in conditioner: Use a leave-in conditioner or detangling spray to further reduce frizz and flyaway hairs while also increasing hair’s flexibility.
  • Protect your hair: Silk or satin pillowcase should be used in order to reduce the friction that may harm hair during night sleep.
  • Minimize heat styling: Minimize the use of heat utensils and when you do it is important to apply some form of heat protection spray.


Having an elaborate hair wash that is specific to your hair type and the hair you have is crucial if you want shiny, healthy hair. Make a point to know your hair type, choose good hair products, use proper way of washing hair, use proper hair conditioner and moisturizing regularly, and proper hair treatment between hair wash. As mentioned in these top tips for washing hair, you should be on your way to great hair.


Q: How often should I wash my hair?

A: How often one washes your hair depends with the type of hair that one has and the pace of one’s activities. On average, straight or fine hair type should be washed daily and has abnormal hair type which can be washed only 1-2 times per week. If you have oily scalp, should wash your hair often, maybe every day depending on how oily your scalp is. If you are having damaged or dry hair, the best suitability of wash would be every 2-3 days or using a mild sulfate shampoo.

Q: Is it possible to wash both hair and scalp with the same shampoo and conditioner?

A: When it comes to washing your hair, it is best to do so using the shampoo and conditioner suitable for the hair type and any issues you have, be it dandruff or treated hair. When choosing products make sure you are selecting products for your hair texture (Straight, Wavy, curly, course, fine) as well as your scalp type, if you have oily, dry, combination or scales skin type.

Q: Is it True that heat styling tools affect my Hair adversely?

A: When it comes to styling our hair, we all know that using flat irons, curling wands and blow dryers amongst others are very dangerous to our hair if used frequently and or incorrectly. To avoid developing heat damaged hair, a heat protectant spray should be used before styling and heat usage should be reduced. Whenever it is possible, it is recommended to avoid using any hot tools for styling, including braid or loose curls, do not use hairdryer frequently. If you are forced to use a heat styling tool then it is advisable that you use the least heat setting and for the shortest time possible.

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