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If a hair type is washed more than it should be, it poses serious problems of dryness, dullness and damage to hair. Most folks don’t know that frequent washing of the hair is in fact damaging to the hair. Hair is an important facet of our body, and depending on the condition of our hair, our looks will be inclined towards. Individuals mostly ignore the need to maintain healthy hair, and common mistakes include over washing the hair. In this blog post, you will discover the right hair washing frequency and the right way to wash your hair to achieve shiny and healthy hair.
How does over-hair washing cause damage to our hair?
Every time you wash your hair you remove its natural oils, hence causing dryness, dullness and brittleness on the hair. The natural oils commonly referred to as sebum, are secreted by sebaceous glands in the scalp. They act as water sources, protectors and even give out a sheen to your hair. The more frequently you wash your hair, the fewer sebum oils which will be left on your hair, and your scalp will respond to that by producing even more sebum. The side effect of this is oily scalp and hair.
Also, washing the hair too often is actually damaging to the hair shaft as it causes it to split and even break. Also, it contributes to scalp irritation, dryness and dandrif. Repeated washing causes hair damage which cannot be regained no matter the effort to be put in place to repair the hair.
Perfect hair care routine: how frequent is it safe to wash your hair?
Daily hair washing is not recommended because our hairs produce sebum, and washing them every day may lead to an advanced production of sebum. For example, individuals who have oily hair will require washing the hair daily while those with dry hair will require washing it less frequently.
Here’s a general guide to determining the appropriate hair washing frequency:
1. Oily hair: It is appropriate if one washes his or her hair 2 – 3 times a week especially if he or she has oily hair type. But if your hair happens to be extremely oily, you may require washing it on a daily basis.
2. Normal hair: Try to shampoo your hair at least every second or third day. By washing your hair less often you provide the scalp with an opportunity to feed the hair naturally.
3. Dry hair: For people with dry hair, they should wash their hair 1-2 times in a week. More harm is caused by sulfates and thus should not be used on the hair to prevent worsening of the condition.
4. Curly or Afro-textured hair: These hair types have their special ability to become damped and dry after some time. Therefore, washing them 1-2 times a week or even less is good enough.
5. Colored or chemically treated hair: As for these hair types, it’s only necessary to wash them rarely, once or twice a week at most, in order not to cause them to fade or become damaged.
Tips for perfect hair washing technique

If you want to learn about how perfect hair washing technique is done, let me show you this now that you have learned how often one should wash your hair.
1. Use the right shampoo and conditioner: Look for hair shampoos and conditioners that are recommended for your type of hair. For instance if you have dry hair, make sure you are using products that will help to make it moist. Do not use shampoos that contain sulfate as this will help remove the natural hair moisture.
2. Apply the right amount of shampoo: Sometimes, when you are involved in washing your hair, having a lot of shampoo on your hair will only lead to the hair feeling so raw. A small pea sized amount should do for most people whose hair is not in its worst state.
3. Wet your hair thoroughly: Ensure that your hair is well wet before you apply shampoo on it. This will in return assist to evenly distribute the shampoo and avoid on build-up.
4. Massage your scalp gently: When rinsing your hair, make sure you use your fingertips to apply circular motions on your head. As well as serving as a means of delivering the shampoo to the hair, it also aids in promoting the blood supply to the head and actually encourages hair growth.
5. Rinse thoroughly: Always ensure that you wash your hair till all the shampoo has been washed away. If you leave shampoo on your hair, it forms a residue that may buildup, make your hair look less shiny and might harm it.
6. Use cold water to seal the hair cuticle: Rinse off the clothes in cold water only after you complete the washing process. Cold water reduces the cuticle of hair, therefore, locking in moisture and making your hair appear shiny and healthy.
7. Apply conditioner properly: Massage into the hair starting from the mid shaft down to the tips with enough conditioner. Wash it for some time then remove the paste by rinsing with cold water.
8. Avoid rubbing your hair dry: After rinsing, avoid twisting or rubbing your hair to remove traces of moisture use a towel to blot out the moisture or let the hair dry naturally. Do not scrub your hair with a towel because it will cause your hair to break or turn frizzy.
Additional tips for maintaining healthy hair:
1. Be gentle: Minimize the use of blow dryers, straightener and other hair chemicals and treatments. But if you have to, ensure that you use a heat protecting product and ensure that your desired temperature is not exceeded.
2. Use silk or satin pillowcases: This is such a bad idea because cotton pillowcases are known to cause frizz and tangle your hair at night. Exchanging regular pillows with silk or satin covers can also be a solution to reducing breakage and frizz.
3. Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated assists in keeping your hair moist from the inside and aids in hair growth.
4. Eat a balanced diet: Taking vitamins and minerals in your diet will help improve health of your hair. Eat nuts, fruits and vegetables as part of your daily meals.
5. Practice good hair hygiene: Combing your hair on a daily bais, getting rid of split ends and not applying heat to your hair too often is also very important.
It is important to understand that there is nothing more important than a proper hair care routine that would help to make your hair beautiful and healthy. To keep your hair in its best form meaning not dry or dull, one has to ensure that they do not wash their hair too often. So, it will not take long for you out to follow the above guidelines and tips as ways of mastering on how to go about your hair care procedures for the best outcome depending on type and condition of your hair. Just bear in mind that the long process of growing your hair out will not be set back by a simple alteration to your hair care regiment. In other words, forget about hair washing too frequently and think about enjoying your healthy hair!
1. Is there a possible way to know if I have over washed my hair?
Over washing the hair basically leads to dry hair, brittle and rough hair ends, a easily broken hair, and oily hair scalp. These are the signs that you have hair that is damaged; one should wash his or her hair rarely or use a mild soap.
2. Does it help or does washing your hair too much really lead to hair loss?
Contrary to what most people believe, excessive shampooing does not in any way lead to hair loss. However, it can lead to scalps irritation hence the skin on the head must lose some bit of hair. If you are losing hair heavily, visit a dermatologist or a trichologist.
3. When is the best time or how long after applying the hair oil should one take a shower?
From the foregoing, the amount of time one needs to wait before showering depends on the type of hair oil and your hair type. In most cases, the best approach is to allow the oil to soak on the skin for about 30 minutes-2 hours before washing.